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Make your Home Quieter
Updated on: June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Published on: November 25, 2015, 8:30 p.m.
Realestate News

Make your Home Quieter

There are lots of easy things you can change in order to make your home quieter, and fetch a higher market price. Here's why a quiet home is worth more $!  secretgardenSam, a local Phnom Penh real estate agent recounts: “I recently checked out a villa home for sale along the main road out of Phnom Penh, Road number 4. The main road there is very loud and dusty - as you may know. But, as soon as I walked in the large gate of this 4 bedroom villa for sale, I found that the owners had created a peaceful garden sanctuary behind the thick and tall street fence. Inside this secret garden wasn't loud or dusty - and it was hard to tell the main road was not far away. This owner had very-cleverly created a quiet home setting able to offset the property’s location shortcomings.” The trick is to stop street and/or neighborhood noise from entering the house. You can do this by adding: 

  • Botanical gardens
  • Window glazing
  • Wall insulation
  • Blinds
  • Tall secure fences: a good landscape designer will use walls, fencing, plants, hedges and other noise cancelling techniques to bring down the noise levels of your home.
  • Generally - using noise-reducing materials when building or renovating is the best way to start when trying to cut your home noise down.
  • In the design stage consider having bedrooms and living areas away from the noisiest parts of the building.

Here's why a quiet home is worth more $! footernews
