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Top 3 Haunted Houses in Cambodia
Updated on: June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Published on: October 30, 2015, 11:47 a.m.
Realestate News

Top 3 Haunted Houses in Cambodia

On the eve of Halloween, Realestate.com.kh has taken a quick look at the top 3 most haunted houses in the Kingdom!


Famously on the market for sale in 2013 in Siem Reap, this property attracted attention for all the wrong reasons. Let’s just say the Open Home Showing was not a huge success.... 2_haunted_house


The oh-so eery Independence Hotel in Sihanoukville was put on the world stage when a travelling poltergeist proved locals were correct when they deemed it haunted! Haunted_house_kompong_som_cambodia_03032011106


Coming in at number 1,  immortalized in the Korean horror film, “R-Point”, this haunted palace known as the Bokor Hotel was built in the 1920’s and has frightened visitors ever since atop Bokor Mountain in Kampot - until it was eventually abandoned.

Happy Halloween from Realestate.com.kh and we hope all your home’s stay ghost free... 

